Italians Occupy Site of Proposed U.S. Military Base in Vicenza
Sat, 31 Jan 2009

…. About two hundred activists of the “No Dal Molin” movement entered the area of the Vicenza airport where a few days ago the construction of the new U.S. military base Camp Ederle 2 began.

The blitz was announced by the members of the movement themselves.
The police are on the site – including the Questore of Vicenza – and are overseeing the peaceful occupation of the area.

To enter the area the protesters cut a piece of the fence. The Questore Sarlo is trying to start negotiations with the demonstrators. There are also members of the Disobbedienti who arrived from Padova and other cities of the Veneto region.

The situation for the moment is calm. The demonstrators displayed banners and posters against the U.S. military, and with the spray paint wrote “Vicenza City of Peace” and “You demolish, we build peace”. The protesters have not reached the area from the inside of Dal Molin, protected by a fence, which is being developed by the company in charge of demolishing the existing structures. ….

Video in Italian

You can also follow updates in Italian on the No Dal Molin and And Global Project sites:

For background, see the dossier in English:

Department of Defense 2009 Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review

U.S. Department of Defense
January 29, 2009

DoD Releases 2009 Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review

The Department of Defense released today the 2009 Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review (QRM) Report to Congress in accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. Although the department has completed similar reviews in the past, this was the first review conducted with the intention of establishing a framework for performing roles and missions analysis on a recurring basis every four years.

Within the 2009 QRM review, the DoD defined its core missions and core competencies. In addition, the department reviewed recent efforts undertaken across the force to improve its ability to conduct joint operations in several evolving mission areas.

The department defined its core mission areas as “missions for which DoD is uniquely responsible, provides the preponderance of capabilities, or is the U.S. government lead as established by national policy.” The DoD’s core mission areas are: homeland defense and civilian support; deterrence operations; major combat operations; irregular warfare; military support to stabilization, security, transition and reconstruction operations; and military contribution to cooperative security.

In order to link DoD core mission areas with its capabilities development processes, the department identified nine core competencies: force application; command and control; battlespace awareness; net centric; building partnerships; protection; logistics; force support; and corporate management and support.

The 2009 QRM review also describes how the department reviewed the rapidly-evolving roles, missions, and capabilities associated with irregular warfare, cyberspace operations, unmanned aircraft systems, and intratheater airlift. The report discusses ways the department is working to enhance operations in these areas, as well as opportunities to improve whole-of-government approaches to solving problems in today’s complex security environment.

The department will continue initiatives to establish the right balance between winning today’s wars while preventing tomorrow’s conflicts.

The report can be found at

Obama imposes his new plans on Iraq, Afghan wars

WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 – United Press International

U.S. President Barack Obama has hit the ground running on Iraq and Afghanistan
, imposing dramatic changes in policy in both wars within a week of taking the oath of office.

There are no surprises in the directions Obama is taking in both conflicts: He spelled them out clearly during his long election campaign. What is striking is the speed and decisiveness with which he is imposing both policies. …

On Friday Obama chaired his first National Security Council session on Afghanistan and Pakistan and approved the continued use of unmanned aerial vehicle attacks on guerrilla bases in the region.

Obama, therefore, has wasted no time in maintaining and even stepping up U.S. involvement in the Afghanistan war, while pushing hard to implement his plans for military withdrawal from Iraq. …

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Russia scraps plan to deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad, Wednesday 28 January

Russia today announced it was abandoning plans to deploy nuclear-capable Iskander missiles in its European Kaliningrad outpost – a sign that Moscow wants improved relations with the new US administration. …

The move followed Barack Obama’s decision to review the Pentagon’s controversial missile defence shield in central Europe.

First batch of extra U.S. troops in east Afghanistan

Reuters India – Mumbai,India
Tue Jan 27, 2009

The first deployment of a planned United States surge of up to 30,000 troops, has moved into bases in two key provinces of east Afghanistan, officials said on Tuesday.

The U.S. has pledged between 20,000 and 30,000 additional troops for Afghanistan, where violence has increased markedly since Taliban-led insurgents regrouped in 2005. …

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Secret prisons: Obama’s order to close ‘black sites’

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Secret prisons: Obama's order to close 'black sites'

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Raytheon lobbyist picked for deputy Defense post

Los Angeles Times
By Julian E. Barnes
January 23, 2009

William Lynn III, the top lobbyist for Raytheon Co., was chosen by Obama and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates for the position of deputy secretary of Defense. … Raytheon, one of the five largest U.S. defense contractors, is a key supplier of missiles and radar to the military. The Waltham, Mass.-based company also produces components of the missile defense system.

If confirmed for his position, Lynn probably would have a large say in the future of the missile defense system. …,0,879330.story

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U.S. ratifies military withdrawal from Ecuadorian base

Jan. 21 Xinhua – China

The United States has ratified a proposal to withdraw its military staff deployed in the Ecuadorian base of Manta, possibly “before November,” …

Inauguration Day at the American base at Menwith Hill

Protesters celebrate the inauguration of Barak Obama as President of the United States outside the main entrance to Menwith Hill.

CAAB and York Palestinian Solidarity Campaign were also there to raise the issue of the crucial role that the US has and continues to play in the terrible conflict in Gaza. The US have persistently given unconditional support to Israel and have been the major supplier of arms to Israel. A ceasefire could have been brokered long before had it not been for the intransigence of the US government.

We had hoped to hand in a Letter of Hope for the President to Mary O’Brien (US Commander at NSA Menwith Hill) – she declined to meet the organisers saying this was an RAF base. However no representative from the RAF appeared. Terry Moody (Inspector Ministry of Defence Police Agency) accepted the letter instead saying that he would make sure that it was given to Mary O’Brien.

Letter of Hope to President Obama

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