US generals planning for resource wars

Irish Times: Monday, September 22, 2008

ANALYSIS: The US military sees the next 30 to 40 years as involving a state of continuous war against ideologically-motivated terrorists and competing with Russia and China for natural resources and markets, writes Tom Clonan …

‘US may use Georgian air bases to strike at Iran’

By Bobbi Lea

He said that’s the reason why bases in Georgia damaged during the conflict with Russia are being rapidly rebuilt.

Rogozin said if a U.S. military operation against Iran goes ahead, he would have “pity for Georgia, because Iran is certain to defend itself.”

'US may use Georgian air bases to strike at Iran'

By Bobbi Lea

He said that’s the reason why bases in Georgia damaged during the conflict with Russia are being rapidly rebuilt.

Rogozin said if a U.S. military operation against Iran goes ahead, he would have “pity for Georgia, because Iran is certain to defend itself.”

Washington is Losing its Man in Baghdad

New America Media – Los Angeles,CA,USA

The initial terms of the American draft of SOFA would allow an indeterminate number of US troops to remain in Iraq indefinitely with up to 58 bases in locations of their choosing. …

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Washington may get a bad headache from its ABM system

RIA Novosti – Moscow,Russia

The Kremlin thinks the sole aim of the US ballistic missile defense system in Europe is to undermine the counterstrike potential of the Russian strategic deterrence forces …

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Senate Panel Approves $487.7 Billion Defense Spending Bill – Washington,DC,USA

The Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee approved a $487.7 billion draft spending bill for fiscal 2009 Tuesday, as senators expressed hope that the …

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Czech govt. approves 2nd missile defense deal

USA Today

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) — The Czech Republic’s government approved the second and final part of a missile defense treaty with the United States on Wednesday …

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Ask McCain and Obama about missile defense

ASK THIS – September 10, 2008

“Dealing with this controversial project will be the most pressing item on the missile defense agenda for the next U.S. president. And that’s only one problem with the ineffective, costly Star Wars shield. … ”

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The US Has 761 Military Bases Across the Planet

The US Has 761 Military Bases Across the Planet, and We Simply Never Talk About It.

By Tom Engelhardt – AlterNet – San Francisco,CA,USA – 8 Sept 2008

‘America garrison the globe in ways that really are unprecedented, and yet, if you live in the United States, you basically wouldn’t know it. … Sometimes they live on military bases built to the tune of billions of dollars that amount to sizeable American towns (with accompanying amenities), sometimes on stripped down forward operating bases that may not even have showers. When those troops don’t stay, often American equipment does — carefully stored for further use at tiny “cooperative security locations,” known informally as “lily pads” (from which U.S. troops, like so many frogs, could assumedly leap quickly into a region in crisis).’

Announcement of new inquiry: GLOBAL SECURITY: NON – PROLIFERATION

This is a House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee consultation inviting submissions no later than 29th September 2008.

“The British Government’s non-proliferation approach, as set out in the National Security Strategy;

  • The effectiveness of the current rules-based international system in curbing current weapons proliferation;
  • The potential merit of forthcoming diplomatic initiatives on non-proliferation, for instance the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
  • The role of arms control and disarmament, including nuclear disarmament, in non-proliferation efforts.

Initial submissions of written evidence are requested by not later than Monday 29 September.

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