U.S. Lags on ‘Key Milestones’ in Transition Plan for Iraq, Report Says

By Tony Capaccio
June 2, 2011

The U.S. is failing to meet “key milestones” in advance of the planned Oct. 1 handover of responsibilities in Iraq from the U.S. military to the State Department, according to a report being issued today by the State Department’s Inspector General.

“Although effective planning mechanisms are in place to manage the transition process, some key milestones are not being met, and there is a risk that some programs and operations will not be ready,” the report said.

The report outlined delays in setting up the organizations and security arrangements needed by State Department personnel who are assuming responsibility from the U.S. military as the remaining 50,000 U.S. troops leave this year. It repeats many of the criticisms made of the transition by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction and by the Commission on Wartime Contracting.

“Some slippage is due to unanticipated events beyond the Department’s control, such as securing land use and lease agreements,” the Inspector General’s report said.

Still, “other problems are the result of decision-making delays or the lack of final decisions” with less than five months before the State Department assumes control of the mission. …

Read on: www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-01/u-s-lagging-on-key-milestones-in-iraq-transition-plan-1-.html