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CAAB Report 171 |
The Annual ‘Independence FROM America’ demonstration Monday 4 July 2005 A demonstration has been held every year since the early ‘80s at NSA Menwith Hill on this date. This year the demonstration was on a Monday, it was pouring with rain and lots of people had gone to Edinburgh (alternative G8). We wondered if anyone would come. But amazingly people did. Many police also came, waiting in vans, peddling on bikes, patrolling on foot and 10 police horses were brought in from South Yorkshire. It was a disproportionate response to what has been a peaceful demonstration each year.
Perhaps people came because of the draw of Scott Ritter (former UN weapons inspector in Iraq) speaking, Chumbawamba (Acoustics) and the roles that NSA Menwith Hill plays in the world - an awesome combination! It did rain - but then people pray and wait for rain for years in many parts of the world.
Lindis Percy (Joint Co-ordinator with Anni Rainbow of CAAB) welcomed everyone at the start of the demonstration. She said that poverty in Africa meant that a child dies every 3 seconds of a preventable disease, while the US in particular spent billions and billions of dollars on military weapons and development, including the unworkable Missile Defense System; Menwith Hill and Fylingdales being crucial to this crazy and dangerous system.
All people present were then invited to read the Declaration of Independence FROM America document. Each year CAAB is very careful to make necessary amendments (in keeping with the original wording and spirit of the document). This year a paragraph was added to include the 'Make Poverty History' campaign (click on to CAAB website: www.caab.org.uk).
Again we remembered all people who have died, suffered and been injured in the continuing conflict in Iraq and other parts of the world. This year was no exception. We stood with our backs to Menwith Hill, in silence for two minutes and looked out towards the wonderful Yorkshire Dales . Lindis especially invited the police to join in too.
After the silence, Lindis introduced Chumbawamba (Acoustics) who played in their usual wonderful way. Jan Burgess (Editor of Review of African Political Economy) then spoke. She has much experience of Africa, having worked there for many years and has since taken a particular interest in the sinister designs of the US government in that continent. She talked about the alarming expansion of the 'lily pad' US bases in Africa and said that their true reason for being there was about oil and the pursuance of American interests only. She said that there has been a huge expansion of private American security personnel in Africa generally.
Scott Ritter was introduced by Lindis and especially thanked him for accepting CAAB's invitation to speak at the annual 'Indepence FROM America' demonstration. She suggested that it was a courageous thing to do. He spoke for about 20 minutes saying that he had to say that he was uncomfortable speaking at Menwith Hill. It was 4 July and he would normally have been at home with his family celebrating ‘Independence Day’ in America. He was an American who loved his country, he had fought for his country and he would do so again. He praised the people who worked on the base.
The essence of Scott Ritter's talk was that America has a Constitution which must be protected from the lawless decisions and actions of the neo-conservatives in America; that the Bush administration was violating the Constitution and that they were abusing international laws and treaties. Apparently they were above the rule of law. The Bush administration would do what they wanted to round the world. He had come to speak out about this and emphasised the absolute need to speak 'truth to power'.
He said that the Bush administration, together with the Government of Tony Blair chose to fix intelligence in Iraq around the policy of regime change. It was an abuse and a misuse of intelligence information. He knew about this because he had been involved with intelligence work.
He said that historically there had been a 'special relationship’ between Britain and the United States resulting from the tyranny of Hitler. The two countries were allies. However he said, the 'special relationship' was flawed because George W Bush was committed to putting the interests of America first. He compared the relationship between a man and a mistress. The UK government allowed herself to be the abused mistress. He added that we, in the UK would continue to be the abused mistress until we stood up to the US . He reminded us that the personnel at Menwith Hill and other US bases in the UK are guests and added 'you cannot let someone into your house and perpetrate a crime'.
Scott Ritter spoke very impressively before answering questions for about half an hour. It was an articulate and courageous speech which was intently listened to and clearly much appreciated.
Five members of Chumbawamba (Acoustics) came and played excellent music on the top of a trailer (lent for the day by a local farmer). Very unfortunately the limited sound system failed.
Afterwards most people walked round the base and stopped at various entrances. Lindis Percy and Dave Webb spent time talking about the role and functions of the base. Steve Hill of Daftasadrum kept up a powerful drumming as we walked round. The demonstration ended at 5 pm.
At a meeting in the evening organised by CAAB and supported by Menwith Hill Forum, Scott Ritter spoke in the Council Chamber of Leeds Civic Hall. He again reiterated the need to speak 'truth to power'. It was a memorable and impressive performance.
CAAB would particularly like to thank Scott Ritter, Jan Burgess, Chumbawamba (Acoustics), Steve Hill, for their special part in the demonstration but also to all who helped both financially and practically to enable this to happen. Also a big thank you to everyone who came and braved the weather. The support of Sean Morris, Councillor Claire Nash and the Menwith Hill Forum helped to make the evening meeting happen.
We apologise to Steve Hill of Daftasadrum for not finding a space in the programme for a 'Drum Circle' . Because of this glaring omission by CAAB, everyone missed a treat. PLEASE NOTE: The next demonstration organised by CAAB will be on Saturday 8 October 2005 as part of an International week of protest called for by the Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons and Power in Space. The regular Tuesday evening protest will continue between 6 and 8 pm. |
Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy
Joint Co-ordinators
8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ, England, U.K.
Tel/fax no: +44 (0)1943 466405 0R +44 (0)1482 702033
email: anniandlindis@caab.org.uk or
Website: http://www.caabuk.plus.com
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever
does." Margaret Mead