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CAAB Report 188 |
Saturday 18 and 19 February 2006
Violence again at USAF Croughton
Saturday 18 and 19 February 2006
Lindis Percy was researching the US Joint Analyisis Center at
Molesworth. This base has recently been selected for an
additional role as a NATO Intelligence Center which is scheduled for
completion within the next year. The new NATO facility,
according to Pravda, is designed to facilitate intelligence
exchange between NATO member states and is to 'become the next
milestone in the transformation of the Alliance following the new
threats posed by the 21st century.'
Lindis walked into the base by the main gate. She
was accompanied by a US military personnel - Kenneth Macgregor who was
very courteous, and there was no confrontation or violence from the
Americans on base. PC Staniforth and colleague eventually
arrived from USAF Alconbury and purported to issue her with a
Lindis then went on to USAF Croughton. She entered the base (at
the highest level she was a civil trespasser) and was seen by an
American who apparently alerted the US military personnel.
What followed after that is shocking. Despite identifiying
herself and saying that she would leave, Lindis was violently thrown
to the ground and yelled at by an unidentified USAF 'soldier'.
She was violently handcuffed with her hands behind her back while the
unidentified US 'soldier' sat on her with his full weight. She
was then picked up by several US personnel and taken to the grass
where she was left - face down and still handcuffed. Her right
hand sustained a cut.
Two Ministry of Defence Police Agency (MDPA) officers eventually
arrived. Lindis pleaded with them to take control of the
situation and take the handcuffs off. The 10-12 Americans were clearly
in control and would not let the MDPA take off the handcuffs or allow
them to take control of this violent attack on Lindis. One of
the Americans roughly pushed one of the MDPA away. The two
MDPA did not intervene but allowed the violence to continue on Lindis.
Lindis was 'body' searched by an American woman in 'combat' uniform -
the search was well beyond the boundaries of a search as laid down in
this country. Meanwhile the two MDPA officers stood
by - apparently powerless (or so they chose) while this assault took
place. She was forced into a waiting MDPA car and eventually
driven to the main entrance to the base, escorted by the Americans.
At no time did Lindis show any violence in response.
At the main entrance she was issued with an alleged s.69 'warning'
('aggravated trespass' - CJPOA 1994) by Ken Woodhouse (PC MDPA).
She was further assaulted by the unidentified US 'soldier' while the
MDPA looked on. Lindis immediately came back into the base -
determined that this case should come to court - so being in breach of
the alleged 'warning'. She was eventually arrested
by Ken Woodhouse (MDPA) after both MDPA officers were instructed
every step of the way by Eileen McAdam (Sergeant MDPA at USAF
Croughton). She was then taken to Banbury Police Station
and was later charged with allegedly breaching the s.69 'warning'
after being interviewed by PC Murray (MDPA from USAF Croughton).
During her detention, Lindis was examined by Dr Turnbull - a police
surgeon. Lindis suffered a serious injury - a facial palsy
- as the result of the unidentified 'soldier' putting continued
pressure on a 'pressure point' in her neck. Dr Turnbull confirmed
that she had suffered a facial palsy due to the excessive pressure
used by the unidentifed US 'soldier'.
Fingerprints and a photo were taken by force by Northampton Police and
the MDPA. The photo was taken when a Northampton woman police
officer put pressure on Lindis's neck - the exact place that the
unidentified US 'soldier' had previously injured.
Lindis was eventually released after being given bail with conditions
by Sergeant Kirby (Northampton Police) in consultation with PC Murray
(MDPA). The bail conditions are:
1. Not to enter within the perimeter of RAF Croughton.
2. You will remain indoors at 19 Bellfield Avenue, Hull, HU8 9DS
between the hours of 22:00hrs and 0600hrs and make yourself
available on request to a Police Officer.
Lindis met with Inspector Tom Brookes (Northampton Police) after she
was released to make a complaint about being assaulted by the
Americans. He refused to take her complaint. She has made
the complaint to Peter Maddison (Chief Constable - Northampton
What happened to Lindis is a classic example of how the American
personnel on US bases act. They are in firm control and
occupation and the Ministry of Defence Police Agency, who are paid for
and under the operational control of the US authorities, stand by and
watch crimes being committed. Lindis has been in touch with John
Prescott's office (Deputy Prime Minister and Lindis's Member of
Parliament) to seek his help and raise the issue in
The seeds of Guantanamo Bay are wherever the US military go it seems
... and their mighty power protects them ...
Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy
Joint Co-ordinators
8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ, England, U.K.
Tel/fax no: +44 (0)1943 466405 0R +44 (0)1482 702033
email: anniandlindis@caab.org.uk or
Website: http://www.caabuk.plus.com
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does." Margaret Mead