Video gallery 5
US drone base a long-term plan
Australian Broadcasting Corporation; March 28, 2012
US military unveils non-lethal heat ray weapon
Text from by Mathieu Rabechault : March 11, 2012
The Active Denial System. The non-lethal weapon projects a strong electromagnetic beam up to 1000-meters. The beam creates heat so uncomfortable the natural response is to flee.
A sensation of unbearable, sudden heat seems to come out of nowhere — this wave, a strong electromagnetic beam, is the latest non-lethal weapon unveiled by the US military this week.
“You’re not gonna see it, you’re not gonna hear it, you’re not gonna smell it: you’re gonna feel it,” explained US Marine Colonel Tracy Taffola, director the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Marine Corps Base Quantico, at a demonstration for members of the media.
The effect is so repellant, the immediate instinct is to flee — and quickly…
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Movement challenging U.S. missile testing grows
Waging nonviolence: by Jim Haber : March 2, 2012
Early in the morning on February 25, the United States Air Force test-launched a first-strike, nuclear-capable Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) despite the largest anti-test demonstrations in almost 30 years. The launch took place in the dark fog of night at 2:46 a.m. from Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) on the central California coast, firing the missile to the other end of the Ronald Reagan Missile Range in the Marshall Islands over 4,000 miles away. Despite the military’s ability to follow through with the test, the offensive nature of delivery systems and the threatening message of their test flights is growing in significance in anti-nuclear circles around the globe.
The next test-launch was scheduled for March 1, extremely soon after last Saturday’s test, but was canceled abruptly on Tuesday, just as a media campaign began to cancel the test. March 1 is the anniversary of the tragic “Castle Bravo” test of a hydrogen bomb in the Bikini atoll for which the swimwear received its name. That test dropped radioactive fallout on the people of Rongelap, leading to catastrophic health and genetic problems that continue to this day, necessitating the on-going evacuation of their island. It also sparked the Japanese anti-nuclear movement which had been prevented to exist under the U.S. occupation that followed World War II. …
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Four US destroyers to move to Spain By Amanda Payne: February 18, 2012
The guided missile destroyers Ross, Donald Cook and Porter will move from their current home in Norfolk , Virginia to the US base at Rota in Spain, near the famous Rock of Gibraltar.
According to WAVY-TV, the ships are being sent to Spain to help “beef-up” Europe’s Ballistic Missile Defence systems. The news was originally released in October 2011 but it was on Feb.16 that full details of the move were released by the US navy. The first two ships, USS Ross and USS Donald Cook will arrive sometime after October 2013 and the USS Porter will move in 2015. …
Fall of Empire, End to Wars
Johan Galtung Predictions
Living Along the Fenceline trailer
Living Along the Fenceline Trailer from Lina Hoshino on Vimeo.
This ground breaking film tells the stories of seven women who live alongside US military bases in Texas, Puerto Rico, Hawai’i, Guam, the Philippines, South Korea, and Okinawa (Japan). They take us into their homes, walk us through their neighborhoods, and introduce us to their communities. We see how military operations and bloated military budgets have affected their lives as we listen to their experiences and take in their surroundings.
Visit the Movie’s website:
US Air Force tells Suffolk staff to live on base
BBC News 10 January 2012
There are fears that millions of pounds could be lost from the Suffolk economy after the US Air Force told some of its personnel they must live on base.
Thousands of servicemen and women have opted to live in towns and villages around the two bases at Lakenheath and Mildenhall.
But to save money, the USAF has said base housing must be filled first.
Watch the video on BBC News website:
CAAB comment:
We think the long list of homeless people in this country would like to be given a chance to take up these empty homes.
The US authorities at USAF Lakenheath have built, within the past two years, many superior houses (probably for the officer ranks) next to where these houses stand empty.
WARNING Israel’s nuclear weapons can now reach the UK
See also:
Go back to your borders please
Imagine there were armed Chinese troops in Texas, just like there are armed U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and in over 750 military bases that America has across the globe.
Catherine Lutz: The Costs of War
Catherine Lutz: The Costs of War from Watson Institute on Vimeo