The year 2000 has been extremely busy as the issue of the American
National Missile Defense (NMD) System gradually became more public.
The Claim that was issued in the High Court in October 1999 was
significant in that it helped to raise the profile of NMD at Menwith Hill
and later to highlight the crucial role ofFylingdales (later added to the
Claim). We struggled to get anyone interested to begin with during 1997-
9. Richard Norton Taylor's article in the Guardian (December 1999), the
inclusion of an item on NMD on Channel 4 News and a BBC Look North
programme at the end of 1999 were initiatives instigated by CAAB which
helped to put the issue on the local, national and international agenda.
Later Yorkshire and National CND also decided to campaign on NMD.
The Diary of what we have done over the year 2000 gives a taste of the
work of CAAB. We have frequently been contacted by the media, given
interviews, written letters and emailed the world for help with the Claim
(military analysts, scientists, etc) and shared information on Menwith Hill,
Fylingdales/NMD in particular and American bases in general. The aims
and objectives of CAAB are to bring public scrutiny, accountability and
public awareness to the role and functions of American bases. The tools of
the Internet and email have been invaluable (many thanks to Dave Webb -
CAAB's webmaster).
The legal action in the High Court involving MHS and Fylingdales has
been extremely time consuming and expensive. We were so grateful for
the immediate financial support we received which enabled us to continue
with the Claim; also for the continuing help we are given. Despite
withdrawing the Claim in September principally because of the decision
by President Clinton not to deploy NMD but to leave it to the next
President, we have learnt a lot.
We have gradually pieced together NMD, the Space Based Infra Red
System (SBIRS) and what is proposed concerning the roles of MHS and
Fylingdales. We have learnt how it adversely affects us locally, nationally
and internationally. We have also gained a great deal of knowledge about
the complicated legal issues involved. The legal team are still 'on board'
and we are waiting in the wings for another action if/when the UK
government is foolish enough to give formal permission to the US to use
MHS and Fylingdales for the NMD system.
Over the year we have continued our long struggle to bring the Ministry of
Defence Police (MDP) on American bases to account concerning abuse of
power and specifically the manipulation of the military land byelaws by
the MDP. This law is the first line of legal protection round bases. The
MDP have continued a pattern of abuse that has been going on for 20 years.
We have been arrested many times under the byelaws at both Menwith
Hill and Fylingdales during the year. Despite this the MDP have done all
in their power to prevent any case coming to court; so denying a legal
challenge to unsafe law. We are in the process of a legal action concerning
a challenge to the byelaws at Fylingdales and are in discussion with
lawyers concerning Menwith Hill byelaws. We have been informed that
there will be 'no further action' concerning any of our byelaws arrests and
'reporting with a view to prosecution' at MHS and Fylingdales. The MDP
and CPS are continuing a pattern which they have adopted over 20 years.
Even though we have fully agreed that we are in breach of the byelaws
when arrested the MDP have frequently arrested us for any offence rather
than using the byelaws; for example - theft of byelaws signs, obstruction
of the highway or police officers, breach of the peace. Official Secrets Act
etc. It is a long story of institutionalised manipulation of the law by the
MDP ably supported by the CPS in general and David Tucker (CPS) in
particular. David Tucker informs us that it is 'not in the public interest' to
pursue a prosecution under the byelaws. It is very much in the public
interest to bring those enforcing unsafe law to account and that is what
CAAB is determined to do.
On the other hand the American security 'police' on bases such as JAC
Molesworth, USAF Croughton, USAF Barford St John for example
have stopped assaulting Lindis and now stand back to await the arrival of
the MDP. This is the result of a long and painful struggle between 1993-6
when the Americans acted very violently; blindfolding, handcuffing and
detaming protestors unlawfully in their Law and Enforcement Centers.
We have been very busy in the civil and criminal courts. Lindis has
brought cases but also has had spurious cases brought against her by the
CPS. We have once again tested the jurisdiction of the MDP and we have
a case pending which challenges the legality of some MDP officers who
may not have attested under the Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987. We
have been in contact with Martin Bell MP who is also interested in
bringing the MDP to account. He refers to them as the 'secret' police
force. There is to be a Defence Select Committee investigation into the
MDP in Spring 2001. We will be submitting evidence to the Committee.
CAAB has continued to ask Parliamentary questions through Norman
Baker MP. We have been in contact with David Bowe MEP, John
Prescott, Phil Willis, Laurie Quinn and Harold Best MP. We have also
made contact with Lord Avebury and Shirley Williams during the year.
Monitoring the Planning offices at Harrogate and Heirnsley is done
regularly by Anni. It was through this work that we first discovered that
there was to be a new role for MHS namely the European Relay Ground
Station for the Americans which is crucial to the NMD and SBIRS
programmes. Monitoring the planning offices is vital to alert us all to the
next stage of NMD which to a certain extent has gone off the world
agenda after President Clinton's decision in September.
We have given several interviews to the media concerning the issues of the
ECHELON system and civil liberties at MHS; in particular to journalists
from abroad who seem to have only just woken up to this subject. We
continue to monitor the investigation by the European Parliament into the
ECHELON system.
With the support of Yorkshire CND we have organised two
demonstrations at Menwith Hill this year. The demonstration in March
was the largest for many years and supported by Mark Thomas and
Danbert ofChumbawumba. The annual 4 July gathering linked into a
demonstration at Fylingdales organised by National CND (also supported
by CAAB and Yorkshire CND). Chris Dean and Paul Wood of CAAB
produced a wonderful hand scribed document - A "Declaration of
Independence against American Militarisation" which was based on the
original American Declaration. In October in solidarity with world wide
actions called for by the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and
Weapons in Space CAAB organised another demonstration at MHS. We
have also supported demonstrations of other groups specifically at USAF
Lakenheath, NSA Feltwell and USAF Croughton.
The next year is vital if we are to stop the progress of the NMD/TMD
system. As George Lewis of the Union of Concerned Scientists said in his
Statement which was submitted for the Claim in the High Court "SBIRS
is the clock that starts the NMD system"......... SBIRS is on our doorstep
at MHS. NMD cannot operate without the use ofFylingdales.
In March this year GeoffHoon (Secretary of State for Defence) said
... .."the history of close friendship with the United States is that we are
sympathetic to such requests [use of UK bases for NMD)." Kevin Bacon
a Pentagon spokesman said of Britain (Observer article 12 November
2000) "It's too early to predict a problem there. I wouldn't anticipate a
problem there".
CAAB will ensure that there is going to be a huge 'problem there' and will
be doing everything to make sure that Menwith Hill and Fylingdales are
unable to be used for this most dangerous and crazy system. CAAB has
always encouraged and called for actions to be taken at all US bases in
this country and urge people to do whatever they can to oppose NMD and
what the Americans are doing here and propose to do here. This is what
we once again year is going to be vital.
Lindis Percy and Anni Rainbow
5 Lindis arrested under byelaws at MHS -
7 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
8 Seminar organised by CAAB with Professor Paul Rogers re NMD at Bradford University
11 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
12 Email out Update on MHS/NMD High Court Writ
13 High Court, London - Treasury Solicitor's application on behalf of 2/3/4 Defendants (Secretary of State for Defence, Defence Land
Agent and MHS RAF Squadron Leader) to have Claim 'struck out' fails. Master Tennant orders costs of £4,500 against Lindis to be paid
in full within 2 months - Lindis can then apply to have Claim amended - to go for full trial in front of a judge.
15 Lindis speaks to Yorkshire General Meeting (Quakers) about her experiences in prison and the work of CAAB
18 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
22 Yorkshire CND Co-ord meeting - Report given by CAAB
25 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - MHS Planning Application
Proposed erection of a Cold Store between Building 31b&31c (P.A. No: 6.90.187.A.CROWND)
28 Attend Menwith Forum meeting at Otiey Civic Centre - CAAB report given
29 Lindis speaks at Southampton CND AGM re NMD
1 Lindis arrested twice under byelaws at MHS - informed by custody officer to be charged - 'reported with view to prosecution'
5 Lindis not arrested under byelaws when walking the land at MHS
8 Quaker Meeting for Worship outside MHS (Main Entrance)
10 Lindis and Rachel Julian meet Sgt Bainbridge, North Yorks Police,
discuss safety measures and policing for March 4 'Stop Star Wars' demonstration
11 Lindis talks to Hull Christians for Peace re CAAB and NMD
15 Lindis and Anni give talk on MHS/NMD at Leeds Town Hall
16 Anni rings Harrogate Planning Department - no MHS Planning Applications (Cold Store approved)
19 Leafleted local residents re NMD at MHS - Lindis walks on land at MHS - no action taken by MDP
22 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
25 Lindis speaks at Quakers in Criminal Justice conference in Bath
28 CAAB appointment with Phil Willis (M.P. for Harrogate) report given
29 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
9 York Crown Court: Lindis in court re criminal damage to Stars and Stripes and Union Jack at MHS - adjourned
10 CAAB/Yorkshire CND 'Star Wars' demonstration at MHS - More than 400 people came. Main demonstration held in car park inside the
Main Entrance. Banners etc decorated the new alarmed security fence. Mark Thomas and Danbert of Chumbawumba speak - David Shayler
(exiled M16 officer in France) contacted in France by phone - message of support from him - many people walk inside the base - no arrests
by MDP for byelaws offences. North Yorks police close off B6451 and A59 - escort protesters around the outside of the base.
6 Lindis meets with lawyers and Professor Paul Rogers re MHS/NMD Claim
9 Lindis interviewed by Bradford Community Broadcasting re NMD
10 Leeds University Student Debate on MHS and NMD: Lindis on panel
11 Lindis at Harrogate Magistrates' Court for 'non-payment of costs' awarded against her after Sgt Quinn MDP MHS was convicted of
assaulting her in 1998 - Magistrates sentence Lindis to sit at back of court for half an hour
19 Lindis researching JAC Molesworth — warned under CJPO Act - on to USAF Alconbury
21 Lindis interviewed by Stray FM re NMD
22 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - MHS Planning Application Proposed erection of warehouse to Building 36x
(P.A. No: 6.99.101 .A.CROWND)
24 York Crown Court: Lindis in court for Appeal against conviction of causing criminal damage to a Stars and Stripes flag from the US
Navy Action Support barracks inside MHS by dragging it through a muddy puddle on the night the US Navy bombed Iraq - Kept waiting
all day and then ordered by Recorder Kealy to come back another day
29 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning Applications
1 Quaker Meeting for Worship outside MHS
2 Lindis at USAF Croughton for 'picnic' organised by Norwich CND Lindis' car searched by civil police at USAF Alconbury
4 Lindis has appointment with Lord Avebury at House of Commons re NMD
12 Lindis flies out to Washington D.C. for Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space Conference - Lindis on Advisory Board of GN
13 Sight seeing in Washington
14 Washington: Group including Lindis meet Senator's representatives on Capital Hill
15 Global Network Conference in Washington
16 Lindis joins IMF Demonstration in Washington DC
17 Group including Lindis meet Senator's representatives Visit offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington
Lindis flies back to UK
19 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning applications (informed that Planning Office now highlighting all new MHS applications)
20 Lindis at MHS - crates of equipment on proposed SBIRS site
25 Lindis at MHS - SBIRS satellite 'stalks' in place - photographed - Lindis obstructs Main entrance in protest - MDP attempt to tow away Lindis' car - no arrest
26 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no MHS Planning applications
27 Anni and Lindis protest and obstruct Main entrance to MHS using 'Stars and Stripes' flag with STOP STAR WARS - no arrests
28 Lindis talks to BBC researcher about possible 'Dispatches' film
29 Quaker Meeting for Worship at Fylingdales
2 Lindis monitors building of SBIRS radomes at MHS - photographed
3 Anni rings Harrogate Planning office - no new MHS planning applications
5 Lindis visits National Parks Office in Heirnsley to research planning application files re Fylingdales
9 Lindis arrested under Road Traffic Act - and charged with 'obstruction of the highway' at MHS
10 Aimi and Lindis interviewed by BBC for possible Dispatches programme
11 Lindis at MHS monitoring and photographing building of SBIRS radomes
12 Lindis meets Lord Avebury in House of Lords
15 Aimi and Lindis protest at MHS - no arrests
5 Anni and Lindis give talk to Sheffield CND
18 Lindis protests at Main entrance at MHS - arrested under Road Traffic Act - charged with 'obstruction of highway' - police bail conditions imposed
19 York Crown Court: case against Lindis discontinued concerning criminal damage to "Stars and Stripes' and Union Jack flag at MHS - Judge reluctantly awards £50 costs
20 Lindis speaks at Day Seminar organised by Yorkshire CND at Bradford University
22 High Court London: Costs application against Lindis re temporary injunction hearings for Alconbury, Feltwell and Mildenhall
23 Anni and Lindis protest at Fylingdales by walking round electric fence - Anni obstructs civilian - no arrests
24 Anni rang Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications for MHS or Fylingdales
25 Anni and Lindis protest at MHS - Anni arrested under Road Traffic Act and 'charged for obstruction of highway '
30 Lindis arrested and charged with 'theft' of byelaws notice which was removed in front ofMDP officer at Fylingdales - detained overnight
in Scarborough Police Station - released with bail conditions (later to be discontinued)
1 Anni and Lindis interviewed at MHS and CAAB office by Japanese TV news reported for programme on ECHELON
3 Quaker Meeting for Worship at MHS
6 Anni rings Harrogate (spoke to Dennis Harling re building at MHS) and Helmsley Plainning Office (Anni asks for voltage of electric fence at Fylingdales) - no new planning applications
7 Anni and Lindis interviewed by Helen Hutchinson (Yorkshire Evening Post) Continue preparing for 4 July demonstration
8 Anni speaks to reporter from Hull Daily Mail re Claim at MHS/Fylingdales
9 Lindis receives letter from Defence Land Agent - large area of land has been handed back to Forestry Commission by MOD at Fylingdales
visits Forestry Commission at Pickering re byelaws and OS map
11 Lindis spoke to Richard Sadler (BBC Environmental correspondant) reNMD
12 Harrogate Magistrates' Court: Case re 'obstruction of highway' - Lindis found guilty - costs ordered against Lindis - Magistrates agree to reopen another case re 'obstruction' on Human Rights point - adjourned
14 Anni rings Harrogate Planning Office - no new MHS planning applications
6 Lindis has appointment with Solicitor to bring civil action re Barrow case and byelaw challenge at MHS
5 Walk from MHS to Fylingdales continues
6 Lindis continues walk
8 Arrive at Fylingdales demonstration - Lindis only one to complete walk - Lindis one of the speakers - MDP refuse to allow Anni and
Lindis to hand in protest - Chris Dean handed in protest letter to RAF Squadron on behalf of CAAB
9 Anni speaks to reporter from Yorkshire Post re Fylingdales demonstration
10 Lindis climbs into National Intelligence Centre at Chicksands - leaves message re NMD in 'mess book' in Priory - lowers US flag and adds
STOP STAR WARS flag - escorted out - civil police called - not arrested
12 Scarborough Magistrates' Court Lindis sends letter to Magistrates accepting responsibility for 'obstruction of police officer' at
Scarborough Police Station but accepts no guilt
13 Harrogate Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court for 'obstruction of highway' - part heard case adjourned to I August
14 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
18 Anni spoke to reporter from Flame TV for Channel 4 programme re ECHELON
20 Anni and Lindis at Fylingdales - arrested and 'dearrested' under byelaws - returned - observed without arrest
21 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
7 Anni informed by David Tucker (CPS) that case of 'obstruction of highway' at MHS was to be discontinued
22 Lindis speaks at Anglican Pacifist Conference at Whitby
15 Anni rings Heirnsley Planning office - no new Fylingdales planning applications
16 Lindis speaks to lan Hislop (the Independent) for article re NMD and Claim at MHS and Fylingdales
17 Harrogate Magistrates' Court: Lindis found guilty of obstruction of highway - costs ordered against Lindis
20 Lindis arrested and charged with 'obstruction of highway' at Main entrance of MHS - bail conditions imposed
22 Lindis holds lone vigil at Main entrance at MHS during pending execution of Gary Graham in US
23 Lindis interviewed by Helen Hutchingson (Yorkshire Evening Press)
24 Lindis at Yorkshire CND Co-ord meeting - CAAB report given
26 Lindis applies for variation of bail conditions at Scarborough Magistrates' Court to enable her to attend demonstration on 8 July at Fylingdales
27 Lindis at MHS - two SBIRS dishes now covered by radomes
28 Anni and Lindis attend Peace Links Meeting - CAAB report given
30 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning Office - no new planning applications
3 Anni speaks to Fox News reporter again - day spent preparing for demonstration
4 Demonstration at MHS re NMD organised by CAAB and Yorkshire CND - Lindis and Anni interviewed by many reporters including live
interview with Radio York - Public reading of adjusted Declaration of Independence from America - written by Christine Dean and Paul Wood - Main entrance blockaded for one and half hours
25 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
26 Anni and Lindis protest against NMD at MHS at Main gate - Lindis arrested and charged for 'criminal damage' by writing STAR WARS
on STOP sign at Main entrance - Anni arrested under byelaws after attempting to remove byelaws sign - 'reported with a view to prosecution'
27 CAAB No 14 newsletter out
28 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - planning application for MHS: continued use of hard standing car park adjacent
to Sat Corn (Building 43) PA no: 6.90.295.A.CROWND - no new applications at Fylingdales
29 Lindis asked for article on 'strip searching' for Prison Service Journal - sends article
1 Harrogate Magistrates' Court: Part heard case - Lindis found not guilty of 'obstruction of highway' at MHS - on jurisdiction of MDP point - costs awarded
8 Anni and Lindis at Fylingdales - arrested and 'dearrested' under byelaws - Anni put on tail gate of lorry and driven out but left within
'controlled' area of byelaws - Lindis rearrested under byelaws - 'dearrested' - returned to collect car - arrested under byelaws for third
time - arrested for alleged 'criminal damage' to Barry Frost's glasses (Inspector at Fylingdales) and 'assault' - Anni and Lindis taken to
Scarborough Police Station - Lindis held for 6 hours and charged. Anni left outside Police Station all this time after being refused access to Police Station.
3 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
5 Quaker Meeting for Worship at MHS
9 Anni and Lindis protest at MHS - walk across fields - no arrest - Anni arrested under byelaws after going into Operations Area when
gate left open - 'reported with a view to prosecution' - Anni removed byelaws notice and informed MOD Guard - she had no intention of
permanently depriving the owner of his property - would return byelaws notice when MDP uphold the law
9 Anni makes formal complaint against North Yorkshire Police and MDP re actions of both police forces during incident on I August at Fylingdales
13 Lindis on holiday - CAAB office managed by Anni as usual
17 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
26 Anni informed 'no farther action' to be taken on all byelaws cases at at MHS and Fylingdales and 'obstruction of police officer' re 1 August at Fylingdales
30 Lindis interviewed by BBC at MHS re programme on ECHELON etc
1 Anni receives letter to confirm appointment of Investigating Officer re Complaint (refer I August)
2 Yorkshire CND Co-ord Meeting - Report by CAAB given
4 Lindis answers to bail at Scarborough Police Station - charged with 'going equipped', 'resisting arrest' and 'obstructing police officer' at Fylingdales (refer to 22 July)
5 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - MHS: Rear and side extension to Building 40 (Community Bank) PA No: 6.90.272.A.CROWND - no new planning applications at Fylingdales
6 Scarborough Magistrates' Court: Lindis makes application to Magistrates for same facilities as Prosecution (history of long struggle in courts) - hearing for 'mode of trial' re 'going equipped' etc - elects to go to York Crown Court
7 Harrogate Magistrates' Court: Lindis found not guilty after accepting responsibility but accepting no guilt for 'causing criminal damage' to
STOP sign (see 26 July) after raising legal point re attestation of MDP Magistrates refuse to grant adjournment to research legal point -
Lindis puts Magistrates on notice that she will be applying to a 'case stated' re decision in High Court - Lindis awarded costs
12 Preparation of CAAB stall at CND conference
16 CND National conference in Leeds - Lindis (Guest speaker) spoke on behalf of CAAB - CAAB stall during Conference
17 CND National conference ends
18 Meeting organised by Thirsk Quakers cancelled due to fuel shortage - Anni and Lindis due to speak
- Scarborough Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court for Mode of Trial re 'going equipped' etc
22 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
23 Lindis at USAF Barford St John - lowers US flag - gives note to US personnel - no intention to permanently deprive etc - MDP called - no
action taken - Lindis drives off with US flag - (later writes to US Ambassador requesting an appointment to return flag with letter of
protest re NMD) - eventually receives letter from Lyndon B James (Solicitor acting for Americans at Mildenhall) to say US flag to be returned to MOD.
24 To NSA Feltwell - Lindis obstructs Main gate with Stars and Stripes flag with STOP STAR WARS message
25 Whitby Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court for trial of 'obstruction of police officer' at Fylingdales - adjourned because of legal points raised
26 Interviewed again by Helen Hutchingson (Yorkshire Post)
28 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
29 Anni informed 'no further action' re byelaws cases at MHS
1 Lindis speaks at demonstration at USAF Lakenheath - obstructs Main gate at USAF Mildenhall - no arrest
4 Hull Magistrates' Court: Lindis summoned re 'non-payment of fines' - court remits fines of over £ 1000
5 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
7 International Day of Protest demonstration at MHS to 'Stop the militarisation of space' organised by CAAB - Meeting for Worship held
10 Lindis monitoring MHS
12 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
18 Anni emails CAAB Report for Yorkshire CND Co-ord Meeting
18 Squadron Leader Vincent (RAF Liaison Officer at MHS) rings Anni back with information re 40th celebrations - Yorkshire CND informed
19 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applictions
26 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning Office - no new planning applications
31 Lindis gives interview to Diane Taylor (Guardian) re effects of protest on family life
2 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
3 Scarborough Magistrates'Court: Lindis applies successfully for variations of bail conditions to attend Meeting for Worship at Fylingdales
4 Quaker Meeting for Worship at Fylingdales
6 Lindis speaks at Stevenage CND re NMD
9 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
15 Request for interview from Italian reporter re NMD - requests to be shown round base
16 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
20 Scarborough Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court re 'going equipped' etc - adjourned
21 Lindis monitoring MHS
23 Anni rings Harrogate and Heirnsley Planning office - no new planning applications
24 Anni and Lindis interviewed at MHS by Italian journalist for series of TV programmes on privacy
25 Anni speaks on behalf of CAAB re NMD etc at meeting in Harrogate organised by Northern Friends Peace Board
29 Lindis delivers CAAB Newsletters to local people round MHS
1 Lindis in London for conference with solicitor re Barry Frost case
10 Lindis enters fortified/secret building at USAF Croughton - MDP take no action
2 Quaker Meeting for Worship at MHS
5 Attempt to value Anni's house by estate agent on behalf of MOD (case in 1991)- Anni declines to see her - Lindis and Chris support Anni by preventing any trespass to her property and any photographs being taken
6 Scarborough Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court for Pre-trial Review re Barry Frost case (refer I August) - bail conditions varied at
Fylingdales Preliminary contact with local residents round MHS to discuss possible local meeting re NMD
9 Yorkshire CND Co-ord AGM - Bruce Gagnon (Global Network) speaking
11 Lindis - appointment with Solicitor re two pending cases at Fylingdales
13 Meeting with French reporter re filming in New Year (ECHELON at MHS)
22 Pickering Magistrates' Court: Lindis in court for Pre-trial Review re 'obstruction of Police Officer' etc and for Committal to York Crown Court re 'going equipped' etc -
Lindis obstructed Main Gate at Feltwell - obstructs gate at Mildenhall (reported for breach of permanent injunction) - research at Molesworth and Alconbury - no arrests
Lindis arrested and 'dearrested' three times under byelaws at Fylingdales - arrested for 'obstruction of police officer' - 'breach of the
peace' later added by arresting officer at Scarborough Police Station - held for 6 hours Continued preparing for 4 July demonstration
To USAF Lakenheath
(CAAB) 8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 IHQ, UK
Tel No. 01943 466405 or 01482 702033
Fax No. 01482 702033