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for the Accountability of American Bases |
Dear Friends
Much has happened since the last May newsletter and it’s hard to know where to begin to make sense of all that has happened and is happening as we publish; its perhaps because there is no sense. Lord Hutton’s inquiry is proving to be remarkable in that there appears to be unprecedented disclosure of documents and the calling of witnesses to account for their part in this miserable affair. The situation in Iraq gets more and more messy and it’s frightening to know what the outcome will be. There seems to be very little press about the high levels of radiation in Iraq with many people affected due to the use of depleted uranium weaponry. It is a scandal. In the meantime the American Missile Defense system
steams ahead
with the
US government announcing
a huge increase in defense spending – the highest for 50 years. Yet the President persists in his plans to deploy the beginnings of an anti-missile missile system before the end of the
year and to continue to accelerate more advanced aspects of the programme, even though all
analyses indicate that the technology does not exist to support them. The budget for this year contains $9.1 billion for missile defense.
Here in the UK Geoff Hoon signed a secret Memorandum of Understanding
(12 June 03 - see inside) with the US, for UK contracts in the AMD system – however not so secret – BASIC acquired a copy and CAAB was sent the full text. A ‘virtual’ Missile Defense Centre was announced by Lord Bach and the UK government is again insisting that no decision has been made to deploy AMD. ‘They’ say this too often. We have to stop this crazy system.
Menwith Hill will be the focus of another demonstrations on 11 October to highlight its crucial role….. details below We
are living through very dark times and we have to be very vigilant concerning civil liberties.
There is a blurring between peaceful protest and ‘terrorism; the US
has brought in the Patriot Act; here,
the police are using the Terrorism Act 2000. |
(near Harrogate, North Yorkshire)
Planning Applications since the last newsletter : ¨ PA No: 6.90.141.E.CROWND - Erection of single storey extension to existing Child Development Center (B.19) for accommodation of school age services ¨
PA No: 6.90.155.B.CROWND
- Erection of single storey to existing Medical and Dental Center (B.26) ¨
PA No: 6.90.158.B.CROWND
- Erection of 33k volt electricity sub-station with associated access road and compound ¨
PA No: 6.99.145.CROWND
- Erection of building and compound to house UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) for Building 36T and Building 36M ¨ PA No: 6.90.193.C.CROWND - Erection of extension to provide extra sleeping accommodation to Fire Station
New position at NSA Menwith Hill: There are Community Relations Committees at all bases in the UK with large US populations, and their prime purpose is to give American personnel and their families opportunities to enjoy the widest possible contact with the local community. Mr McAleese, 56, lives in Burn Bridge with his wife
Jenny. The former head of Harrogate Grammar School, he is now an education consultant and also a Board member of the Craven, Harrogate and Rural Primary Care Trust. [Harrogate
Advertiser 12.09.2003]
Regular witness and protest at MHS – Tuesdays 7-9 pm: PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME 6 – 8 pm Regular CAAB protest outside Main entrance to NSA Menwith Hill AS FROM 7 OCTOBER ’03
Arrests and Court
: Bail
Lindis had sweeping bail conditions imposed by Daventry Magistrates’ Court in March –
not to go within the boundary of nine named US bases including Menwith Hill. Tuesday 15 July 2003:
Lindis was arrested for allegedly ‘obstructing the highway’ at the CAAB
demonstration on Tuesday evening at Menwith Hill. Bail conditions were imposed which superceded the above bail conditions:
‘not to go within 15 meters of the boundary of Menwith Hill. She has had to go backwards and forwards to
Harrogate Magistrates’ Court to apply to vary the bail conditions so that the right to protest under the European Convention on Human Rights is upheld (specifically on Tuesday evenings).
She finally achieved this. The trial is fixed for 6/7 November at Harrogate Magistrates’ Court. However the Ministry of Defence Police Agency (MDPA)
have spuriously arrested Lindis three times for allegedly breaching the bail conditions. She has been held over night in Harrogate
Police Station and taken to court the next morning. On each occasion the alleged breach of bail conditions has not been proved.
This is because Lindis did not breach the conditions. On one occasion the Custody Sergeant would not accept the arrest and Lindis
was immediately released. The MDPA have shown a woeful ignorance of the law and a disgraceful attempt to remand Lindis in custody. We will be exploring with the lawyers what to do about this. Summons
Anni was ‘ reported with a view to prosecution’
for allegedly obstructing the highway on 15 July ’03. She received a summons a month later.
Simon Ostler (CPS) sent statements and a pre-trial review was fixed. A week before the hearing, Anni received a letter from Simon
Ostler to say that the case was to be discontinued (on 15 September at Harrogate Magistrates’ Court). Anni has written to Ken Fox
(Senior CPS) with a list of questions as to the futility and waste of public money of this summons etc.
Menwith Hill byelaws
: Stopped and searched: An American friend joined the CAAB Tuesday protest recently. After about half an hour he was asked to move his car by the joint police patrol (North Yorkshire and MDP). He and his car were searched under s.44 of Terrorism Act 2000 (one of the officers was holding a nasty looking gun). He was photographed and given a ‘Stop/Search Form’ which stated the reasons for the search: ‘behaving strangely around a sensitive military base, vague as to reason for being there, talking to known protesters’. This Act has been used before at Menwith Hill
and was extensively used at USAF Fairford and elsewhere during the US led invasion of Iraq. Leave was granted recently for a Judicial
Review on the use of this Act by the police. The police already have adequate powers to ‘stop and search’. However the policing was very worrying in that
the careful negotiations and agreements that we had had with North Yorkshire Police (NYP) were ‘torn up’ on the day. Police horses
were brought in for the first time. They were out of control and it was sheer luck that there were no serious injuries.
We are in discussions with NYP so that we avoid a repeat at future demonstrations. The walk round the base had to be cut short
because of the actions of NYP. (See:
CAAB Report
'Suspended Chief Inspector cleared of fraud charges
Saturday 11 October ’03 12-4 pm
Organised by CAAB in conjunction with
YCND (Culmination of International protest
called for by Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons and Power in Space) for details:
(near Pickering, North Yorkshire)
Defence Statement - Missile Defence:
None of these agreements commits the UK Government to the acquisition or deployment of a missile defence system. But the Framework MOU is an important step forward that will enable us to improve our understanding of the capabilities of the US system, in order to inform any future decisions on missile defence for the UK or for Europe as a whole.
Missile Defense Parliamentary Question:
Mr. Jenkin:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will place in the Library a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding on missile defence
signed between the US and United Kingdom on 12 June 2003. [121274] A:
Mr. Hoon:
I refer the hon. Member to my written statement of 12 June 2003, Official Report, column 57WS. The details of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) remain confidential between the respective Governments and I am therefore withholding the
information in accordance with Exemption
1 of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information.
Court news and arrests:
This case arose out of an incident on 25 April this year at
'RAF' Fylingdales when Lindis walked on the moor to deliberately test the invalid military land byelaws. When she was eventually stopped by two Ministry of Defence
Police Agency (MDPA) officers, she immediately said that she was in breach of the byelaws. PC Daryl Jones informed
her that the MDPA had been issued with new 'guidelines'. The MDPA were not using the byelaws but instead were instructed to use s.68 'aggravated trespass' (regardless of whether an offence
under this law was being committed or not). Lindis had been on the base for an hour and a half. Lindis was arrested and taken to Scarborough Police Station. PC Jones relayed the reason for arrest to the Custody Sergeant adding "I think you have the new guidelines - I think you've been informed'". PC Jones said that the guidelines were with the approval of the Association of the Chief Police Officers (ACCPO). After the 'guilty' verdict, Lindis quietly began to leave
the court but was ordered by the Magistrates to stay. An MDPA officer blocked the court door. Lindis was warned that she was 'in contempt of court'. She was eventually allowed to leave the
court and go outside with the same MDPA officer preventing her from leaving the building. The Magistrates sentenced Lindis to a 'conditional discharge' and declined the application of the CPS's costs. This was despite Lindis already being in breach of a 'conditional discharge'. We consider that the Magistrates erred in their judgement.
More information about the saga of the byelaws can be found
. The invalid byelaws are at USAF Lakenheath, USAF Molesworth,
USA Mildenhall, NSA Menwith Hill and 'RAF Fylingdales'. The MDPA have continually abused and manipulated this law together with the Crown Prosecution Service. A pending case to reveal this
is being discussed with Counsel. It is of deep public concern that the MDPA are once again
using s.68 'aggravated trespass' as a 'catch all remedy' instead of allowing the validity of the military land byelaws at 'RAF' Fylingdales' (and other bases) to be tested in the courts. Four MDPA officers giving evidence said that ANY trespass would be treated as
'aggravated'. |
near Lakenheath, Cambs)
[The information below is taken from an Official
US military website]
Request a guest speaker:
Name and size of group ·
Location: city, street, building, room ·
Date when speech is to be given ·
Approximate time when speech is to begin ·
Type, subject and length of speech ·
Type of audience attending · If dinner/lunch will be provided
Tour RAF Mildenhall: From the United States: RAF Mildenhall, Public Affairs, Unit 4890 Box 190, APO AE 09459: From outside the United States: 100 ARW/PA, RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 8NF: Telephone us from the
U.S. at 01144 1638-542654 or from the U.K. at (01638) 542 654
Freedom of Information Act Reading Room: Visit
to access frequently requested records. Visit
to learn how to request access to releasable records. Fill in our FOIA request form at
to submit FOIA requests to our office. |
Brackley Northants)
Iraq Protest case continues: The alleged offence - s.68 'aggravated trespass' (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 - ‘that you did trespass in the open air with the intention of disrupting, obstructing and intimidating lawful activity’) happened on 26 March at USAF Croughton. On 26 September legal arguments will be heard to decide questions of the ‘lawful’ activities of the base and the legality of the US led invasion of Iraq. The case will then go to trial on 29 September and 1 October at Northampton Magistrates’ Court. A report of this will be in the next newsletter. Lindis was held overnight after she was arrested and remanded in custody
to Holloway for one week on 26 March by Northampton Magistrates. She was released on bail (not to go within 5 meters of 9 named US bases - including USAF Fairford and Welford).
At each hearing there have been either one or two ‘observers’ sitting at the back of the court. |
Lawrence Wins £10m RAF Fairford Contract: In light of last month's announcement regarding the closure
of RAF Lyneham this new contract demonstrates the continuing investment and development in defence services in the area. And with many of the worlds most expensive planes already flying into
RAF Fairford for the International Air Tattoo, this Saturday 19th July, this announcement is timely. The Design and Construct, contract is for the provision of a
new Hydrant Fuel System, which will comprise the construction of two new part buried, steel fuel storage tanks with concrete jackets, the installation of stainless steel and carbon steel
fuel pipelines, 2 pumping stations, aircraft hydrant pits, loading and dispense systems and 5000 sq metres of vehicle hard-standing. New buildings will include a filter house, a control
building, a vehicle inspection building, and a 320 sq m single-storey Petroleum Operations Building of traditional build with a pitched roof. Also included are all electrical works and
demolition of the existing fuelling installations. There is a twelve-month contract period with an
anticipated start on site in October 2003, and completion by September 2004. [Lawrence
Contractors Press Release 16.07.2003] For
information from Fairford and Welford click on
USAF FELTWELL US Independence Day: We started at the Main Gate of U.S.A.F. Lakenheath and moved
on to Feltwell about the time that people began streaming in for the traditional festivities. Many people -- on foot and in cars -- passed by our banners and placards. The Declaration of
Independence from America, suitably amended for the local situation, was read at both venues. There was perfect weather and the two dozen or so people
attending were quite convinced that campaigning can be relaxing and fun (at times)! We are definitely planning to make this an annual event. [Lakenheath
Action Group] [We are
asking Norman Baker MP to ask more Parliamentary Questions about this secretive and unaccountable base and it’s possible links to the American Missile Defense].
Norman Baker:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what powers can be exercised by, and what rules of engagement apply to, the US National Guard in the event of unauthorised persons being found
within RAF bases where the US National Guard is present. [107231] A:
Mr Ingram:
Where American National Guards have been deployed on RAF bases made available to the United States Visiting Forces, they can exercise the same range of powers as all (United Kingdom and
United States) Service personnel in dealing with unauthorised persons found within that base. For instance, although they do not have the powers of arrest, they may detain and hold such
persons using the minimum force necessary, until a police officer, who has powers of arrest, arrives. It is not our practice to comment on Rules of Engagement and
that information is withheld under Exemption 1 (Defence, Security and International Relations) of Part II of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information. [08.04.2003] Q:
Mr Drew:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) under what circumstances use of deadly force will be sanctioned at RAF Fairford; [108785] (2) if he will make a statement on the notices posted on the
fences around RAF Fairford stating that use of deadly force is authorised. [108784] A:
Mr Ingram:
The notices are necessary to warn individuals that unauthorised entry into the inner area of the base is not permitted. They are displayed on a temporary internal security fence enclosing a
much smaller area where aircraft are parked. The notices do not purport to be a statement of the law. The reference to the authorisation of deadly force on the
notice does not amount to a blanket pre-authorisation. It is US practice, in relation to specially sensitive areas, to draw attention to what is implicit whenever armed personnel (US or
British) are deployed to guard military installations in the UK, namely that they are authorised to use lethal force in circumstances where it is lawful. It is not our practice to disclose details of Rules of
Engagement for reasons of operational security. I am therefore withholding the information in accordance with Exemption 1 (Defence, Security and International Relations) of Part II of the
Code of Practice on Access to Government Information. [11.04.2003] Q:
Mr Swire:
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how long US military forces will be stationed on British territory in the Indian Ocean. [109642]
Mr Mike O’Brien:
HMG in 1966 and subsequently has entered into a series of bilateral agreements with the United States on the use of the British Indian Ocean Territory under which the whole territory is to
remain available for the defence needs of the two countries for an initial period of 50 years from 1966, and thereafter for a further period of 20 years unless either party has given prior
notice to terminate it. [01.05.2003] Q:
Glenda Jackson:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether anti-ballistic missiles will be located in the UK once the Fylingdales radar base has been upgraded. [120178] A:
Mr Hoon:
The upgrade of the radar at RAF Fylingdales does not of itself commit the United Kingdom Government to the acquisition or deployment of a missile defence system, and no such decision has
been taken. The United States has not made any request to site interceptor missiles in the UK as part of its missile defence system. [19.06.2003] Q:
Glenda Jackson:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the cost of upgrading the Fylingdales radar base will be; and what contribution to the upgrade the UK will be required to make. [120179] A:
Mr Hoon:
The cost of the upgrade, including the installation of new equipment, will be met by the United States. The United Kingdom will continue to operate and support the radar. The upgrade is
expected to have a minimal effect on these running costs, which are of the order of £20 million per annum. [19.06.2003]
Mr Jenkin:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will place in the Library a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding on missile defence signed between the US and United Kingdom on 12 June
2003. [121274] A:
Mr Hoon:
I refer the hon. Member to my written statement of 12 June 2003, Official Report, column 57WS. The details of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) remain confidential between the respective Governments and I am therefore withholding the
information in accordance with Exemption 1 of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information. [23.06.2003] Q:
Norman Baker:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the future of RAF Uxbridge. [119504]
Mr Caplin:
My predecessor made a Press Statement on 29 October 2002 and wrote to a number of local MPs notifying them of the Department's intention to offer
the United States Navy the opportunity to occupy for military use the majority of the land and the buildings at RAF Uxbridge. This relocation
forms part of project MOD Estate London (MoDEL) to rationalize the Department's estate in London. The proposal would allow the United States Navy to
consolidate at RAF Uxbridge their offices presently situated on seven London sites. It is expected that many of the Service Family Houses would be retained for Ministry of Defence use, and
options are being investigated for the preservation of the RAF Bunker as a site of historic interest. The estate offered to the United States Navy would remain
the property of Her Majesty's Government, and the establishment would keep a RAF designation. The proposal is subject to separate approval procedures to serve the interests of the MOD and
the United States Visiting Forces. Should the United States Navy choose not to relocate, then RAF Uxbridge would be considered for alternative use or declared surplus and available for
disposal. [02.07.2003] Q:
Mr Drew:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the lease arrangements between the British and US Governments over the use of RAF Fairford. [124832] A:
Mr Ingram
There are no such lease arrangements. The presence of the United States Visiting Forces at RAF Fairford is, as with all bases made available to them
in the United Kingdom, governed by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement of 1951, and other additional confidential arrangements. [10.07.2003] Q
: Mr Drew:
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what recent discussions he has had with the United States defence authorities on their proposals to
develop missile defence systems; and if he will make a statement. [120530]
We recommend two very good and readable articles on American
Missile Defense to be found in: Disarmament Diplomacy, Issue No 72, August-September 2003
Thank you so much to everyone who has so generously sent
contributions over the years to enable us to do this important work. Each year the financial demands increase.
This year will be no exception. The largest demands from CAAB’s budget are: the printing and postage of the quarterly
newsletter travel expenses for research court and legal conferences speaking engagements telephone bills internet searching organising demonstrations and regular witness and
protests photocopying Because of these and other financial demands it has meant
that we have never been able to claim our full expenses. The reassurance of regular contributions by Banker’s Order
(small or large) is an enormous help. People often ask us how they can help. Committing a regular amount really
would help us.
The Co-op bank will no longer accept Banker’s Orders direct. If you do decide to set up a Banker’s
Order for CAAB please would you fill in the form below and arrange with your own bank who will then forward it on to our bank. Bankers Order To: The Manager of……………….……… Bank Address of Bank………………………………… ………………………………………………….. Sort Code:………… Account number…………. Please pay the Co-operative Bank PLC, 6 Tyrell Street,
Bradford, BD1 1RJ For the account of Campaign for the Accountability of
American Bases (CAAB) Account number: 50095311 the sum of £………. on receipt of this authorisation Signed…………………………………………... Name……………………………………………. Address…………………………………………. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. Post
2003 Quaker Meetings for Worship NSA
Menwith Hill Saturdays -
4 October, 6 December from 2pm - 3pm outside the Main Entrance. ‘RAF’
Saturdays -
1 November from 12pm - 1pm outside the Approach Road Entrance at Fylingdales, Near Pickering, North Yorkshire Moors. Contact numbers for both Meetings: USAF
– 25 October; 22 November and 27 December Contact
Rachel and Paul Milling USAF
Mary Jeans
Letchlade Gloucestershire)
Lawrence, the Bath based specialist contractor has been awarded a £10m contract by Defence Estates for United States Air Force at RAF Fairford in
The Deep Space Tracking Center and Near Space Facility
Thetford, Norfolk)
Fourth of July 2003 saw a Peacemakers' Ball at the gate of U.S.A.F. Feltwell as well as the usual U.S. services party inside. Billed as an
"Independence from America" event, it was organised by the Theatre of War and sponsored by Lakenheath Action Group. There were ballgowns, tiaras, a Nuclear Weapons Fashion Show --
everything from mini-nukes to Trident and B61s was on parade -- and lots of music, dancing, picnicking and general fun.
Please print
(Sort Code:08-92-29)
Anni: 01943-466405
or Lindis: 01482-702033
We always welcome any comments, letters, items for publication and information concerning American bases………..